En días pasados se dió a conocer que el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Disputas entre Inversionista extranjero y Estado (más conocido como CIADI por su siglas en español, ICSID en inglés, CIRDI en francés), condenó a Venezuela a pagr más de 1.200 millones de US$ al consorcio ruso-canadiense Rusoso (ver nota de prensa). Según se lee en el laudo arbitral (ver texto completo), Venezuel es condenada al pago de: "898. Rusoro claims an amount of USD 2.4 billion as compensation for Venezuela’s expropriation of Rusoro’s investment; plus USD 90 million for the Lost Cash Flows suffered as a consequence of the 2009 and 2010 Measures; and interest on these quantities. 899. The Tribunal concluded that - the proper compensation due to Rusoro for the unlawful expropriation of its investment in Venezuela amounts to USD 966,500,000 and that - the proper calculation of damages due to Rusoro for Venezuela’s breach of Paragraph 6 (d) of the Annex to the BIT amounts to USD 1,277,002. 900. Additionally the Tribunal decided to grant Rusoro interest on the amounts of compensation and damages (i.e. USD 967,777,002723), accrued between 16 September 2011 and the date of actual payment, calculated at the interest rate p.a. equal to USD LIBOR for one year deposits, plus a margin of 4%, with a minimum of 4% p.a, to be compounded annually /.../903. The Tribunal ordered the Bolivarian Republic to pay to Rusoro USD 3,302,500 as costs incurred in the present arbitration ".